Here's the little birthday girl! Jalyn celebrated her first birthday on Sunday with a big party! She spent more time trying to figure out what the cake was than actually eating it. No problem though, once my little piggy saw her cake she was more than happy to help her get rid of it! It was a nice distraction from the house to go down for the party and hang out with almost all my family last weekend. I tried my darndest to find some willing helpers, but everywhere I went had a list for me to do instead!

I managed to sqeeze almost everything I had planned into two short days....I definately didn't spend much time sitting around (other than waiting for little brother to get'd swear he had roots growing out of his feet as slow as he moves) Now we're back to getting ready for moving day, which hopefully is still on for Tuesday! (I know, it seems like forever, but the last month has gone so fast that it will probably seem like tomorrow to me) I'm going to try to get some of Syds new comforter assembled before the move. I swore I had way more fabric than I needed (the quilt that has been in the process since before she was born) and I ran out yesterday that's just my luck!