Warning: Brick wall straight ahead! That's what I feel like today! I got a different sewing machine yesterday from one of hubby's aunts....THANKS MUCH, by the way, but somewhere between her house and my house with a few more moves inbetween we lost the accessory storage, so while I was super hyped to get to work on my hats, yet another delay! My sewing machine doesn't work AT ALL on fleece, it's old and says it wants to just die every time I try....SO, I was forced to play with the finished senior portraits instead, and again, have no enthusiasm because I was going to wait with them until this week instead....here are a couple that they needed right away for coronation, so they have color adjustments then were sent on their merry way....

I'm somewhat disturbed by the box behind his head, but wasn't in the mental state to work some magic to remove it today....so here's what they get

Here's one of my favorites from the whole day....well not this one specifically, but a group of them in the same spot....maybe it's the shirt too, there are some in the same shirt at a different location that I love too!

We're still counting down to moving day with only the appraisal left to go then we're homefree, so wish us luck!